Monday, 24 March 2014

advice from the psychic tablecloth

This week we have been discussing holiday plans.
Short term - 4 nights in Cornwall.
But in the medium/long term I am keen for something a little more far flung.
As we cross the finish line in the parenting race (at least as far as the courts are concerned),
there is a window of opportunity before any of the oldies need more support from us. 
(Hi Mum and Dad, I know you're reading this!).
There's the prospect of a Memphis/Nashville/New Orleans road trip next Easter, 
but in the 5 year timeframe I want to drag Mr Asparagus Pea to the Southern hemisphere.
 That probably involves some unpaid leave from work in the depths of winter. 
As we chatted about it over breakfast, I spilled some tea on the tablecloth, and look….

Okay so Tasmania is a bit big and slightly in the wrong place, 
but that's a sign right?!?!

In other news I have been making muffins to use up some of the elderly dried fruit in the cupboard.

Some figs that have been lurking for a long time.

I like to use 1 cup of oats soaked in 1 cup of milk soured with a capful of white wine vinegar.
Trying to eat more oats and soy - good for your secret womens' business.
With a cup of wholewheat flour plus 1 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp bicarb
Sometimes I sub the oil for applesauce if I'm feeling worthy.
But then you can't use paper cases because they stick like bastards.
Adjust the sugar to taste depending on the sweetness of the fruit you're using.
I used about 1/2 a cup of brown with a little demerera and cinnamon on top.

Off to be rehabilitated for my speeding sins now - 
Bah humbug!


  1. What are the chances of your tea stain making a country!!! Far more interesting than the faces that people find in crisps and things I say. Now, I have a confession, when I saw the first pic in the bit about the muffins, I thought, oh my goodness what did she do to those muffins, and then I realised it was a picture of the figs!!! How daft am I!!!! xx

    1. Yes - not exactly the Turin Shroud but I'm prepared to go with it ;-)

  2. Oh the psychic tablecloth has come up with a wonderful travel plan! Meant To Be, obviously... How great to be able to look forward to some exciting trips.
    And in the meantime - muffins! They look delicious. Now get that tea stain wiped up! xxx

    1. Yes mother! Actually, although my mother was born a Londoner, half her family are Yorkshire folk so was evacuated up ther to stay with family during the war. She used to slide down t'Chevin on a piece a lino tha knows!

  3. It's a sign! Ignoring direction from the travelling gods would be foolhardy. Those muffins look delish!

    1. I would never wish to offend the travel Gods! Your salsa looks delicious too btw x

  4. Oh yes you absolutely must come- that tea stain is a hoot! If you are coming to Brisbane or the subtropics April/ May are sublime and closely followed by Sept/Oct. Do not even contemplate January or February, December is usually tolerable! mel x

  5. Lots to think about and plan - I'd like to go to NZ as part of the same adventure. Want to show Mr AP the land of my childhood. If we're going that far it makes sense to try and do both. Thanks for the travel tips x

  6. You crack me up! My husband and I do vacation planning in a similar manner - we need to get a feeling or sign for a place and then we just do it! When we were on our honeymoon driving across the country, we were watching a travel show on TV in a hotel (which was cheating anyway, because we were supposed to be camping) and we saw a show about Kauai. I had never even heard of the place before and had always been dead set against going to Hawaii for our honeymoon -- such a cliche! But we fell in love with the island in those 30 minutes, bought two guide book, booked our flights and first week of stay at a hostel, and then had 3 weeks to book it across the country and get to San Diego for our flights. It was a definite adventure. Go with the tea stain - its a definite sign! Oh, and the muffins look great. Figs - another dried fruit I've been afraid to use. Guess if I want to travel in England, I have to get over that.

    1. Do not fear the fig - practice on a few Fig Newmans and you'll be ready for the dried fruit identification test that all US visitors are obliged to pass before enterin the UK. On that subject, it's only recently that visitors to the US no longer have to fill in an in flight immigration card that included the question 'Were you a member of the National Socialist Party (Nazis) between the years 1939-45, or have you ever participated in genocide?' Now let me think.... xxx

  7. I adore figs, those muffins look increeedible :D !

    1. Baking them in the muffin batter certainly perked the figs up - they were a bit like bullets when I found them in the cupboard.

  8. Hey you! Good luck planning that trip! I would say that is a sign for sure! Though any of those options listed would be fantastic! And need to open a bakery or at least sell your muffins! They are insane looking! Thanks for sharing that one lady! Hope you are well! Nicole xoxo and sorry I am a bit behind...have had a crazy last few weeks!

    1. looks like you've been having fun in the garden though - those raised beds are definitely the way to go xxx

  9. I am so pleased to see that you managed to resurrect the figs - the muffins look amazing. I have been throwing my cuppa around this morning and so far I have failed to find a spillage in the shape of anywhere exotic, so I shall stay home and clean the table. You definitely should add NZ onto the trip - and probably a few places in-between. Enjoy the planning!

  10. Missed this!
    A trip to Australia! Yay!
    Come to W.A. and to our house for tea! (etc!)

    p.s. we always had pet lambs when I was a little kid. I grew up in the wheatbelt - there was always a little orphan to look after. I love their crazy tail wag (although wag doesn't really cut it!) when they're sucking down their bottle. Happy memories for me, thanks Bernice x

    1. Oooh that would be great wouldn't it? I love WA - get the kettle on!
      Yes my little lambies are super cute - they go from being pathetic little scraps that have to be tube fed, to little woolly hurricanes in the space of a couple of weeks x

  11. The p.s. is obviously in reference to your newest post x
