Friday, 25 April 2014

a beautiful mess

I worked for most of the Easter weekend so I am having this week off instead. Mr AP has taken a few days off as well so that we can hang out together at home and do a bit of house stuff. As usual we have long lists of tasks and great plans - some achieved, some can wait for another day. I think it's really important to make something - even if it's just a mess. So here's some stuff my clever husband made for me…

a key holder -
Mr Smurf looks after the keys to my old house that we still own and rent out,
Cartman looks after our spare house key.

A shelf for my cookbooks,
(middle class - moi?).

a woodshed - new and improved, 'you beaut' Version III,
with foreground herb garden - I've been busy too!
I cleaned out the fridge and made random veg soup,
(tasted okay but bore an unfortunate resemblance to sick after some ill advised blending).
So I made a loaf to cheer up proceedings...
..Best One I've Ever Made!

Also we've been talking for a while about going down to being a one car family.
Last week the transport gods intervened,
the big car turned itself into a bag of spanners on the way home from the Gower. 
A quick trip to 'we buy any wreck' yielded £300. 
The new transport strategy involves Mr AP having a more reliable motorbike,
(his old one looked cool but refused to start).

One very happy hubby,
(but the helmet squashes his face into a grumpy pout).
Tiny hint of my little blue Panda frame right
- or 'the car' as it's now known.
I'll let you know how it goes…

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

duck egg blue

I put myself down to do foraging walks at work on Saturday.
A wander through the woods gathering spring greens,
then collect some fresh eggs from the duck shed to make an omelette.
(£2 per head to cover materials)
Sounds good huh?
Bookings for the morning session - 0
a duck (if you're a cricketer)
Bookings for the afternoon - all cancelled.
0 & 0 - a golden duck.
So what do you do with a pile of duck eggs and a bad attitude?

frittata party

in other news
my bottle babies are growing fast…

The auto exposure on the camera has gone for the detail in the black lamb
and given me some kind of 'look 15 years younger' bleach out. 

But hey - I'll take it!

..and Mr A-P and I decided to whisk ourselves away after work on Sunday,
 for a night in the Gower to celebrate our second wedding anniversary.

The weather was glorious and the beaches remind me of childhood holidays.
Happy Anniversary Mr Asparagus Pea  xxx

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


I pride myself on taking a good photo - I used to be a focus puller in my pre-horticulture previous life. 
I know my way around a camera, and take care to get the images on this blog looking good.  
So how hard could it be to get some cute pictures of the two lambs I've been bottle feeding at work?

dark shed/lambs won't keep still/not enough hands

Answer: Collage it up and stick an effect on it
12 new chooky girls too - yay!