Saturday 15 June 2013

meet you at the nectar bar

There's been a lot in the press recently about declining bee numbers, and how we all need to do everything we can to support the wild population.  As gardeners we are encouraged to help out by planting stuff that the bees will enjoy.

So - hands up who's doing their bit?


check these guys out

My previous attempts at photographing bees in the orchard have required a kind of 'swoop and snap' approach, as they only spend a few seconds on each flower. 
But this patch of welsh onion flowers clearly has some good stuff going on.
The bees are there for ages, just mooching around...

on nectar and heavy with pollen


they're mostly Bumblies and the patch was humming with them

I think the soundtrack would be some kind of smoky, lazy jazz




  1. What gorgeous photos! Good to see the bees are enjoying your patch.

    1. Thanks - there were so many there at once, it was amazing! Just hanging about enjoying the flowers.
