Saturday, 9 March 2013

hanami for two

I was hoping to get on with a bit of soil prep in the veg beds today but the weather had other ideas...


...but hey - it's Wales and I guess if you minded rain too much, you wouldn't live here.


The forecast says the temperature will be dropping right off again next week, but this little mild spell with its misty rain has coaxed out the first of the spring blossom.  As I whizzed home down the fast road, the verges were a froth of blackthorn. Driving down the A4232 might not be as romantic as surfing the cherry blossom wave in Japan, but it inspired me to drag Mr Asparagus Pea (and his new digital SLR) into the back alley for a spot of cherry blossom viewing when I got home.

Our little hanami for 2 under the neighbour's tree caused a few raised eyebrows from the passing troubled teens, but Mr AP was very happy to have a chance to show off his new toy.  Nice zoom lens!


  1. Love the drip, very clever. Sigh spring is such a delight

    1. As the forecast promised -we're back down around 0 today. Brrrr...
